Motown Legends Gospel Choir

Detroit Institute of Arts Performance

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Al Chisholm
- Choir Director/Founder & Contour
Sharon Chisholm
Joe Billingslea-Contours
Odell Jones-Contours
EJ Johnson -lead vocalist -Enchantment
Joan Belgrave
Marcus Belgrave -Trumpet & Motown Funk Brother
Mark Scott- Lead vocalist Miracles Review
Melissa Sanders, Allen Denard, Damon Trice,
     Phinehas Ritter
- Miracles Background Vocals
Lyall Hoggatt
Ted Frye
Dee Dee Frye

Wanda Kennedy
Hazelette Crosby-Robinson
Angela Williams
Original Vandellas - Rosalind Holmes,
      Annette Helton, Roschelle Laughhunn

Keir Ward - Piano & Musical Director
Ibrahm Jones - Bass
Arthur Miles - Drums
Chris Jones - Keyboard