![]() Please Donate! Ypsilanti Courier News Article CD Release Party Fundraiser on July 11, 2013 "Jazz for Julian" Fundraiser sponsored by the Detroit Jazz Festival on August 14, 2013: "Jazz for Julian" details on the Detroit Jazz Festival events calendar |
In 2012, little 3 year old Julian’s Mother, left him with his teenage sister, while she visited her father. His Sister then in turn left Julian with her older boyfriend as a babysitter so she could attend a party. Julian was not happy with this and threw a temper tantrum, for his tantrum, he received the following punishment: He was bitten several times, brutally beaten and placed in a bath tub of hot scalding water that gave him 5th degree burns over the lower half of his body. When his mother picked him up from the “sitter”, she did not notice any of the abuse until she got home and attempted to give him a bath. She then realized and noticed all the abusive markings and burns. There were teeth marks, and physcial bruises all over his body left from his older sister's boyfriend. Julian’s liver and kidney's also sustained severe damage from the brutal attack. He was taken to the University of Michigan Hospital children’s ward. The Doctor’s noted that they had never seen a more severe case of burns as had been given to this little boy. He was hospitalized in intensive pediatric care at University of Michigan hospital for 4 months. He continued to heal and fought for his life every step of the way. Julian’s mother has since given up all of her parental rights to his paternal grandparents who are now caring for him in a loving environment. He now lives under their custody and guardianship. His recovery has been extraordinary, some would say miraculous! His journey forward from that tragic day has been a struggle, however, we his family, believe that he is truly blessed. We are so very thankful for Julian's life, his bright smile and loving personality in spite of the evil that has befallen him. We know that there will be challenges ahead, however, we look forward to his future! We thank you for your contributions, and help for our little guy. Your donations can be made through the donate button on this website, or his facebook pagedonate button. You may make deposit donations at any Chase Bank into his guardian account : Foster Jones Or mail donations to the above address Please “like” his facebook page and keep up with his progress. We, his family thank you for your support and your prayers.
His cousins, Vocalist, Joan Belgrave (www.joanbelgrave.com) and husband,